Mary Jo Maute ( Lives and works in Bellingham, WA)
Maute's artwork unfolds as a mesmerizing visual dance to the ricacies and resilience of nature. Each piece is a choreographed gymphony where fragments of abstract human, plant and animal forms collide, interconnect, and transform in a fluid dreamlike space producing work that is visually imaginative and open to interpretation. As an improvisational artist, Maute's process evolves over time, leaving a visual record of the process and a visually challenging interplay between color, shape, movement, and mark.
Her daily studio time is filled with the joy of experimentation and discovery as she strives for the elusive goal of making paintings that are at once mysterious and suggestive. At a distance, her canvases offer an appealing arrangement of strong color areas. Then, on closer viewing, you see they are full of forms that suggest fictional creatures and symbols. Maute finds inspiration in modern masters including Picasso, Franz Marc, and Wassily Kandinsky. Residing in Bellingham, WA, Maute draws inspiration from her studio at Bay Street Village, overlooking the historic Old Town district. Continuously evolving as an artist, Maute embarks on a journey of growth through workshops, travel, and unceasing experimentation.
Exhibitions at the gallery:
A Summer Celebration: Six Women Artists ( Group Show) June 8 - September 14, 2024
All You Need Is Love (Group show) February 11 - April 15, 2023
Mary Jo Maute
Swimmers, 2022, Oil on canvas, 27 x 27 in. Sold
Dreaming of Dragonflies, 2024, Oil on canvas, 40 x 48 in.
Shape Shifters, 2023, Oil on canvas, 30 x 36 in.
Night Walk, 2024, Oil on canvas, 27 x 27 in.